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How can I start to seek knowledge of hadith?
Praise be to Allaah. We may sum up our advice concerning the methodology of seeking knowledge of hadeeth as follows: Firstly: Paying a great deal of attention to memorising the texts of the Prophet’s Sunnah, because this is the aim and purpose for which the scholars established all the sciences of hadeeth. So it is…
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Significance of juma Friday prayer
Among the seven days of the week, Friday is the day of gathering for the Muslims. Many great events took place on this day, and yet to take place. Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 62 Surah Jumua verses 9-10 O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the…
Creation of the universe: THE BIG BANG
The creation of the universe is explained by astrophysicists as a widely accepted phenomenon, popularly known as ‘The Big Bang’. It is supported by observational and experimental data gathered by astronomers and astrophysicists for decades. According to ‘The Big Bang’, the whole universe was initially one big mass (Primary Nebula). Then there was a ‘Big…
Quran Verse Of the Day